Saturday, November 9, 2013

Fallen fractals for the blister hearted...

Coming to work in the morning, a morning just like any other morning, my hair fastened back in a pony tail holder, walking down Bradley Avenue, holding my Armani tote bag that contains my heart, printed out in sentences, walking to work. Not wearing any socks because I don’t own a pair of athletic socks. I can smell my feet five feet from where I trod and in front of me, I can see her, I can see Erica, floating past me in her car, as if a dream. Neither of us wave. We just sort of look at each other, almost in disbelief. We just sort of acknowledge, we just sort of feel that we are both here, passing each other, both on our way to our respective places of employment.


            She motors on ahead of me. I can see her, from a distance of 200 meters ahead of me, I can see her as she parks her car in the parking lot close to the Hesuer art center, I can see as she walks straight like a plank, a timber, a cedar, walking perfectly off of the sidewalk, into he building, I can see her ahead of me, two-hundred meters, I am wanting to walk into her like a doorway. Like a passage. I want to find out how to unlock her. I want to find out which keys to jangle; which one will open her up, spread her arms like wings and count the feathers that drip from her smile, as if an angel had momentarily abandoned the confinements of a needlehead, and decided to pleasantly relocate to her lips and now ( in my dreams) having just kissed me, having had some of her touch and rub off on me; the bacteria and skyscrapers of bacteria, having moved in closer and felt every part of her lips, I wipe my lips afterwards and think angels have just feasted, taking a bit off of my lips as well, and decided not to ask for it back ever again.



There is the moment when you see her body nude in front of your own uncloaked hide and the only think you desire is for your body to be a part of her body. For you to be inside of her and for you to be one with her. For you to go inside and bang and whine and ram and try to find that ever elusive something that you lost long ago. It is at this moment when this is the only thing in the planet that matters. You want to be inside of her because you want to feel like you are a part of something. Essentially, you just want to feel.




            “No,” Brook says, with a slightly Southern drawl kicked through her lips. “you have to lick it first.” She says, as she swats her hand over her tongue and then plants it (her hand) between her legs.


            “Lick it first?” I look back at her rather incredulously, the wrinkles in my forehead shaped like a question mark. I am after all the sexual veteran.


            “Lick it first.” She says.




“Vanessa,” Her mother says gain to her, pulling out every letter in her daughters name like she has just made a connective paper doll display out of last weeks funnies.




            “David,” Vanessa says, her hair arrayed in such a fashion so that it looks like a brides veil that has recently been undraped. “You’re so deep inside of me.”




            “Oh nonsense.” Her mother is saying, escorting me downstairs. “You can just sleep here tonight.”





            “David,” Jana’s voice says once again. “Have you ever heard of anything called the festival of lights?”




            Lot’s of sex.” Vanessa says, speaking of her new house. “We’re going to christen every room every day for a month and then more.”


            The sun is taking a bravura-ridden encore, bowing the top of it’s head toward the purple ribbons of the West. Laurie is wearing very tight jeans that make the LEE leather square on the back of her ass look like a VIP lounge sign. I am talking to Judy, the girl I have thought on all summer. The women whose mere thoughts induced multiple juts past subway because that is where Tim saw her but she forgot what Tim’s name was.


            “Judy,” I look at her and think about how her face would have looked in her senior yearbook picture. I think about the size of her boobs the angular features of her face and how we smashed Vodka tonics into each other the night of the Dining With Friends Dinner. I think about how her lips spread open like a lotus and how I frisked my fingers into the top of her skirt, my body hard, my penis stout, as I caressed her and tried to enter her. The shudder of her eyes as I fell into kiss her the first time.


            On the soccer field Metamora has just scored another T.D. One of the parents is shouting out, “That’s how we do it!” I look at Judy. There is a slight Carmel hinted into the features of her face. She is a few inches taller than I am.


            “I just wanted to express my gratitude.” I say. “I just wanted to express my gratitude and thank you for that crazy night we had last summer. It was such a rapturous night. I felt like I was kissing princess Diana.” I say. Judy blushes. Not once does she mention that she could be my mom.
..and Megan is coming. Coming in a way she has never come before. She is coming into me like the airplane I once came into her,. Coming to me over the phone, her hand, cupped inside her panties, flicking chants, laughing, smiling, and she is coming, hearing my voice, wondering where I am goping, wondering what I will tell her to do next, wondering what part of Europe I will take her to next, wondering what I will show her.
            She comes. She comes like she has never came before. She comes screaming, kicking her heels like she has just entered the planet for the first time. She comes, tears streaking down her face, crying, chanting out my name, thanking me, thanking me for bringint her to this precipice, this spot wher she now needs to leave, needs to join the moon above her and yell out and fling.
David, I love you I love you so fucking much
            There are things that is all likelihood should have been said, sentences that were kept bridled behind my lips; words that should have been spilled out of my throat like a maladroit waiter clumsily knocking over a martini at a Country Club. Things that should have been said, apologies on my end of the spectrum that should have been sputtered, mistakes that should have been confessed; kisses that should have been planted, embraces that should have lasted longer. But no, in this fleeting moment in space and time, this second that eclipses too suddenly, there is simply a grave goodbye.

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